Hii, everyone! I hope you guys are doing fine.

I also want to say thank you for all your support and love.

I got 1.2 k followers and I'm very thankful to you.

But, I can't understand one thing:

Is my story not worthy to read?Do you guys even like my story?

Please don't take me wrong. I only asked you all for 50 like and 25 comments. But, I only get 27 likes and 0 comments.

If you guys think that my story is bad or the characters are not good, you can tell me. But, please don't ignore my story like this.

Whenever I open my story expecting some comments on chapters. All I get is blank or someone's story link. Well I'm not complaining on people's promoting there stories, I really appreciate their hardwork.

But, what about my hardwork. It felt like I made mistake sharing my imaginations to you.

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A hopeless romantic girl who lives in her own fantasy world with her imaginary man🤗